Every so often we get to do new things at the Hub. Tonight was one of those nights. I have been wanting to put of a mezuzeh out front to recognize the Weisman and Kariel families that occupied the Hub for so many years, but the one I brought back from Israel last year was too new-looking.
Fortunately, some lawyer friends who are in town for a trial next week decided to help out, and brought me a couple of older ones. They then decided we needed to install it with the proper prayers this evening, and invite Audrey & Louis Kariel. And you know, it being Friday evening and all, let's have Shabbat.

So we went out front and I read (phonetically, of course - a Catholic education only goes so far) the Hebrew prayer for the mezuzeh and screwed it into place, and then we went into the conference room and had
Shabbat, complete with "Hub Shabbat" prayer sheets. Jamie brought Jim, Marie and the boys and we had a nice visit with the lawyers, the Kariels and our family.