Just finished my second Temperance Brennan novel, and really didn't like it any better than the first. The plot-heavy book is just hard to follow in an audiobook format - the names run together and I realized how much trouble the audio format in one respect - you can't tell when something is a proper noun and when it isn't. For example I heard repeated references to the "foot farm" and the "Palmer cousins" and couldn't make heads or tails of either not until late in the book when I realized it was "the Foote farm" and "Mr. Palmer Cousins."
Again, this is a "but only if under ten dollars" kind of audiobook. The writing is good (once you get past the first few pages, which are sugar-sweet with metaphors) but it's just not much fun to listen to. I keep being reminded that the book Temperance is middle-aged and has a college-aged daughter, and while let's get real - that's my current demographic - I prefer the TV version with Emily Deschanel.