I saw this movie at Walmart last week as well and picked it up because since I had done a lot of reading about Alexandria in preparation to seeing it with Jamie four years ago (plus half of the "archaeology porn" books out there take place in Alexandria, from Steve Berry and James Rollins to ... others I can't recall. I call it "AP" because it's a mystery/thriller where there's just gratuitous use of archaeological treasures for titillation purposes. I can't remember how many times somebody's found the long-lost tomb of Alexander the Great, and every time I get this sick thrill from it. I just feel so ashamed...)
Back to the movie. It looked like they had put a lot of effort into recreating ancient Alexandria, between that and Rachel Weisz, who appears as the philosopher Hypatia, I thought it looked like something I'd like. The story is based on historical fact - there were tremendous riots in the city in the late 4th century as religious factions (Christians, Jews and pagans) fought each other in the streets, and Hypatia was a real historical character. I enjoyed the movie and appreciated the effort that went into it, but the mixture of a dramatic story with the scientific and specifically astronomical interests Hypatia had was for me a poor fit.