Busy day today, with carpenters working on the rent side, siding people installing the correct color aluminum trim on the rent side, and the original (1897) doors going back up on the 113 side after being down for a week to be stripped and repainted - here are before, during and after photos. Always a happy feeling when the plywood comes down!
But one of the high points for me is the original mirrored-glass door going back up on the 111 side. As these pictures show, we found it standing against a wall last fall (some of the green paint on the floor we couldn't get off, so that's why my office has green paint on part of the floor), and saved it for reinstallation in its original place as shown in the 1928 photo.
Update: Okay, that was the high point, but we have a new one - the new Hub coffee mugs are in!