This album is Sting's songs with symphony orchestra accompaniment, and I have really been looking forward to it. The arrangements are original and the execution good, but it just didn't do a lot for me. But it is really well done, and arrangements are unusual - not what you'd expect. I found myself listening to it again on the way back today, so I might end up liking it more. One thing I did notice is that songs I didn't like before sound better here (I Hung My Head, Roxanne) and ones I really liked I don't like quite as much. But I'm getting used to them...
Update: I couldn't stop listening to this album on our trip, and really started appreciating the outstanding arrangements. It's now within my my top, say three Sting albums, which is high praise. I skimmed the extensive liner notes, and they helped explain the thought process that went into the arrangements, as well as the composer's pride that the orchestra "kicked Sting's butt" on the first cut, Next to You. I went back and played the cut again and darned if he's not right - the arrangement had so much kick to it that Sting had to work hard not to let the orchestra overwhelm him. That got me to listening to the arrangements again, and I realized how rich they were. And once I got a little familiarity with them I couldn't stop listenting to them!