I liked Becker's "The Moses Stone" (although I now cannot remember what it was about) so I got this earlier adventure of the divorced couple i liked so much in that book. The plot line of these people racing around Europe trying to figure things out is really old the second time, but, again, I really liked the people. The biggest problem is that the book just has no ending whatsoever - it just gets to a certain point in the story and quits. And leaves probably the biggest game-changer in religious history just ... there. You think the DaVinci Code was a big deal - Jesus having a wife and child? Or the Templar Legacy, or Last of the Templars (they all run together after a while) where Jesus is just a nice guy that his followers decide will sell a lot better if they start saying "oh, yeah, and he was also God too"? Oh no, this one just blows that away. And the author just leaves it there, unresolved.
But, as I said, I like the couple.