Just finished my latest Rollins book. Enjoyed it pretty much, although the improbable figuring of things out is getting wearisome. I can understand how you might have to make the leap that a ancient artifact is actually X, which requires you to do Y, and if you don't get it right Z will happen. But that you could perform the advanced, multistep operation correctly the first time - over and over - gets a little irritating. The characters are getting a little cardboard as well, but I still enjoy them. I can definitely tell that I take them more seriously because I listened to one of this series on audiobook, as opposed to reading it (so somewhere in my limbic brain I actually think they're real). So that's apparently helpful in cases like this.
I can't keep up with Rollins - I thought I was reading these as fast as they come out, but he had a second Sigma adventure (Eden something) out in November, I think it was. So, I'm behind now. But I have to catch up on the latest Steve Berry, first....