Wednesday the 30th meant another road trip with the herd, this time to Waco for my sister Emily's surprise 40th birthday party. We had a great time visiting with family and watching the boys play with their cousins. There was the traditional poem by cousin Ann (read in her absence by cousin Cathy), and towards the end of the evening we played Tripoley, which as best as we can tell is a game where the hostess changes the rules every hand based on what her cards look like. But it was fun anyway, and Grayson had a great time learning how to play cards. (It was the proverbial hoot when he started announcing he was playing "the club of seven" or "the heart of ten" and couldn't figure out why we thought it was so funny - he thought that was the same thing we were saying).
The twins got their cheek beat on a heater edge and their chin bitten by a dog, but they took it well, napping contentedly after the other cousins left while we played cards.
We spent the night in Waco, had lunch the next day at the famous Elite Cafe on the circle (which has stopped serving fried cheese, which was a major disappointment) then went over to Baylor to show the boys the campus. The bear pit was closed for the day so they couldn't seen the bears, but we took a picture of them on Judge Baylor's lap in front of Pat Neff Hall, and in front of Daddy's brick at the new law school. They very very tolerant of their parents boring them with "That's the apartment complex where Mama lived" and "that's the apartment complex where Daddy dated, uh, never mind" over and over.