Watched the Blu-ray version of ST II: TWOK the other night and was a little underwhelmed by the "restored" version. It looked very good, but by comparison to TMP and Star Trek III: TSFS it didn't seem any better quality-wise. It does benefit from the higher resolution, of course, but it didn't just jump out at me.
Star Trek III has really always been my favorite, and it is even more so merely "remastered" on Blu-ray. The lighting of the sets is different from TWOK - the Enterprise bridge is noticeably brighter, and that seemed to me to make the movie actually better quality resolution-wise than TWOK, which had a ful "restoration".
Of course I like the extra Starfleet ships and the Spacedock scenes are just fun to watch. Nimoy just has a better touch, it seems to me, for the characters - the constant joking and comic touches fit better, and it just seems better in focus than in TWOK, where sometimes the dialogue just doesn't sound quite right. TSFS is just a more fun movie for me.