Thoroughly enjoyed the Kleypas family reunion at Fort Parker State Park in Mexia week before last. I took the boys down Wednesday night, which is "grandmothers" night since Mother was already in Waco and was the only cousin of my generation there the first night - just four elderly cousins, me from the next generation, and eighteen kids 19 down to three years old. The picture to the left is the generation below me, so G, C & P are top row (C and P at far right). Depending on how you count, they're generation number 4 - the first generation (children of Hugh & Lucy Kleypas, which included my grandmother Emma Kleypas Demmer) have all passed on, my mother is in the second generation, and I'm third.
The next evening Jamie and down and the real get together started, with the traditional events and meals through Sunday morning. A highlight was fishing lessons for the boys from my cousin Bill Taylor.