I picked this up at the airport as Berry is rapidly becoming my favorite Da Vinci Code style author. This one actually turned out to be one of my favorites. Written about machinations at the Vatican, it's similar in setting to Brown's Angels & Demons, and has entertaining characters without the secret agent overlay that most of his others have. As usual it's based heavily on historical fact and in the usual epilogue the author explains precisely what's real and what's imagined.
Far and away my favorite part of the book is the view through the eyes of a ambitious cardinal seeking to be elected pope. It is a vicarious pleasure reading the emotions and thrills experienced by the cardinal as his fondest wish comes true, and he, a man utterly without humility, and motivated only by power, achieves the ultimate prize. It gets even better when he takes the name Peter II, and one day into the job realizes that his (small) doubts that perhaps he was being ambitious were all wrong - he really is on a mission from God to restore the imperial papacy.
Really entertaining book.