On my recent trip to San Diego I made time Saturday morning to hit the new Star Trek exhibit at the air & space museum in Balboa Park. I just couldn't pass up a chance to see a full-size (actually not quite full, but close enough) reproduction of the bridge of the original starship Enterprise. Even got my picture taken!
Although I did enjoy the exhibit, it bears mentioning that with the possible exception of one fragment of a Klingon uniform (the label says it's believed to be original, but they are not sure), none of the exhibits from the original series are originals, and some are not explicitly marked as such. Not that I minded - just something to keep in mind. Starting with ST-TNG there were numerous original pieces - parts of sets, uniforms, etc..
There were also several models, but most were not originals - for example the Enterprise-D was actually the fourth season model - probably better than the first season original, but still. The Excelsior to the lest was also not the eight foot model from ST III and VI, but instead the smaller model used in a ST-Voyager episode. There were some models that were originals, but they were one-episode ones, generally speaking. An exception I was glad to see was a shuttle pod from ST:TMP, albeit modified for a later movie. What was very interesting was to see the poor level of detail in the TV show miniatures in person - lots of pastel chalk and pencil shading used for surface detail. While it's plenty adequate for a TV show (at least in the old low-def days) it was startling to see that the models were not remotely to standards model builders would consider good. For example, the Excelsior looks spectacular in this photo - it looked dirty and cheap in person! I feel much better now about the poor work I'm doing on my models - they'd look great on film.
There were also transporter and Guardian of Forever planet sets that you could have your picture taken in - I got a transporter one because it was a lenticular print that shows me appearing and disappearing, which the boys thought was really cool.
After finishing the Trek exhibit I went through the rest of the museum and really liked it - good planes and good exhibits, many of which would have been good for the boys.