I was really thinking I'd have to admit that this book disappointed me as I was reading it. It has Caldwell's usual very interesting characters - the first person narrative is always so clear that you feel like you've been the person telling the story in a previous life, but the story turned quickly into a very uncomfortable Fatal Attraction type drama, and I seriously considered just not finishing it. But then it turned into a criminal drama (which was actually a relief) and the clarity of the first person narrative got uncomfortable again as the character experiences some things you'd really rather not share in. But as the drama ramped up, I kept looking at the number of pages left and thinking that this can't turn into a courtroom drama, and sure enough it didn't. Well then, I thought, this has really been a disappointment (albeit one with a fairly happy ending). But then Caldwell throws one hell of a curve ball at the end, and everything comes together pretty well. Again, the best part of the book is in the characters, and the details sometimes get in the way of the story, rather than help tell it, but in the end, I did enjoy it.