Collin and Parker are so into Star Trek these days that for $7.50 at Wal-art I couldn't help but get this so they could see Captain Kirk one more time. Good movie overall - can't point to anything I dislike other than I have never gotten used to the whole Data thing. He's so arbitrary that I just never get interested in him - and the yellow pancake makeup is really, really distracting. I like him okay and think Brent Spiner does a fine job - it's just the robot angle that annoys me - even given current levels of technological advance, the idea that a robot could remain technologically static for decades, with no upgrades to fix his problems, makes no sense to me. A Vulcan half-breed trying to fit in is just a lot more interesting. He's a real person (listen to what I'm saying - a real person) who's trying to come to grips with who and what he is.
At bottom, I guess my problem is that I don't buy a person in colored pancake makeup playing a robot. To me he has to be either a CG character, or someone with a facial prosthesis (like Odo on DS9). Every time I see him I think of Odo, as a matter of fact, because I think that's a superior way of playing a character. If you were building an android, why would you so closely mimic human form, then deliberately miss the skin color?
Anyway, okay movie - I just bought First Contact for the boys to watch when they get home.