I'd been telling Jamie for months that there was this female comic on XM Comedy that was just hysterical, but I could never remember her name - until she was one of the judges on Last Comic Standing, which Jamie and I have been watching semi-religiously. She liked her as well, so I ordered her CD and recent DVD and we listened to both on the way to Dallas recently. Both were funny, although the timing on the DVD takes a little getting used to. Unlike radio, there are frequent pauses as Madigan takes a swig of water (why they didn't just remove the label I have no idea since they have to blur it our everytime she picks it up). For some reason that really breaks up the timing I'm used to. But I did enjoy both very much. I also but I really liked the way she shows up on stage in the DVD fashionably coiffed and made up wearing heels and a tailored suede jacket with her jeans. I just thought it was a nice appearance, unlike some of the sloppy getups I've seen other comics in. Just made her seem to take what she was doing a little more seriously, and made her look more professional.