Two weeks ago Grayson and I went to the Dad and Lad campout at Pirtle Scout Camp about 45 minutes south of here. I came back from a State Bar board meeting near Bastrop and we drove down Friday night and found our tent just before dark. After going to the camp fire that night (and getting Grayson good and scared trying to find out campsite again in the dark) we had a good night on our new cots although you wouldn't know it from the look on Grayson's face at breakfast the next morning We started the day doing crafts - we made the book for our stamps (left in this picture) and Grayson drew a picture of our house. We spent the rest of the day tramping through the woods on a scavenger hunt for stamps - we'd find them in camouflaged boxes all around the camp, and use the stamps we found to stamp our books. In the process we found my old camp from when I went to Scout camp at Pirtle in the summer of 1976, and got to do several activities together, including slingshots, archery, and shooting BB guns. All in all, we had a great time and were really glad we went (but really glad to get home that night!)