Took Grayson to see this Thursday night, and enjoyed it, more or less. It just seemed "less" from literally the opening credits. The John Williams score was somehow orchestrated wrong, and by the time the movie actually started, it was just a little tired already. I do appreciate their starting the new movie right after the first two installments of the Christopher Reeve saga (both of which I liked). Brandon Routh is good (the whole cast is solid) and I liked the people interacting. For example, the whole Lois & Clark thing seemed more real. She seemed more hurt, he seemed more - not human (seriously - he's just half a beat not quite right, which is exactly right, if you know what I mean - every time he says "Good night, Lois" he sounds like he's talking to a stranger which he is actually trying to do - a really nice touch), and the rooftop scene where she stands on his boots so they can fly was just terrific. They had a sort of unspoken physical history that I've never seen before, and that made this version seem more real than anything before. The whole movie is more that way, and that helps, but in the end, for all of his alleged weaknesses, this guy is just too perfect to identify with, and that hurts the story. Peter Parker as Spiderman and Bruce Wayne as Batman are people you can identify with. This guy is still a cartoon. More or less.