I didn't remember two things about Titanic. First, how good it was. Okay, three things. Second, how good Kate Winslet was. And third, how long it had been since I'd watched it - I could tell precisely by the end of the movie. First, it was so good seeing it on the big movie screen in the movie room - I had totally forgotten how good the movie is, and how well the big scenes filled up the screen. From the story to the visual grandeur to the acting to the script - it was all there. Surprisingly, I had completely forgotten how good Kate Winslet is in it. I hadn't noticed before what a littl prig she is at the beginning, and she gradually changes into something else. As Cameron notes in one of the commentaries, they ended up dropping a number of scenes because "you just get it" watching her reactions. She's quite a piece of eye candy at the beginning - no doubt about that - but when the emotions start flitting across her face, you just can't stop watching her - she dominates everything she's in. Finally, while I couldn't remember when I saw the movie last, when the sinking started it became abundantly clear that it was before Grayson was born, because what got to me had changed dramatically. When I first saw it the love story between Rose and Jack really, really got to me. But this time, it was an afterthought compared to watching the immigrants' children about to die. I didn't remember seeing the little boy left in the corridor crying - now that became the most important thing in the world. And the scene where the mother tells her children a bedtime story in their cabin while waiting for the end - sad eight years ago - became the most emotional part of the entire movie. Why? Because the loss of those children, or the inability to save one's children in the face of what was coming, caused the loss of a beloved spouse to fall right into context. Eight years ago I was thinking "what could be worse?" than what Rose went through. Well, now I know what.
Anyway, a tremendous film, and if the extras are still rather thin - I prefer detailed studies of all aspects of a film's making, and this is more of a sampling.